Zealous Arts Movement Science Lab Assistants Acrobat
Zealous Arts Movement Unicyclist
Zealous Arts Movement Crazy Science Assistants Acrobat


Suitable for age’s approx 2-5yrs our Kindergym classes offer a great introduction to developing in movement, motor skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility as well as creative exploration.

This class offers a special bonding time for the parent or guardian with his or her child. Parent or Guardian is required to assist their child and join in activities that are run and guided by our staff.

We run a wide range of activities including acro/circus circuits, circus specialty apparatus, singing and dancing, aerial apparatus, bean bag balancing, parachute shaking and jumping along our 12-meter fast track trampoline….and lots more

We highly recommend trying out Kindergym classes as an introduction for under 5yrs as it gives the student a chance to get to know our space with the comfort of parent or guardian support. This allows students to get to know and build trust and friendship with our passionate staff.

Kindergym classes are CASUAL pay as you go $10 and no bookings required.

Zealous Arts Movement Ring Student


Recommended for ages 3-5yrs our PeeWee circus/acro classes follow on from our Kindergym classes to further develop students in movement, motor skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility as well as creative exploration. Students practice and learn basic tumbling, strength and stretching, shapes, adagio, and circus specialty apparatus. Including spinning plates, hula hoops and more….lots and laughs and enjoyment jumping along our 12-meter fast track trampoline using basic and essential shapes for circus/acrobatics and tumbling. Learn to work together, share and support each other.

This is a special class where students are participating without a parent or guardian on the floor. Parents are welcome to sit and watch, sit in reception if a student becomes distracted or drop and go if the student is comfortable.

We have casual and enrollment options for PeeWee Circus/Acro.

CASUAL: Attendance is on casual basis pay as you go $15.

This class also includes aerial apparatus time.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts in the end of year concert.


Suitable for ages 5-12yrs Beginner Circus/Acro classes develop students in movement, motor skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility as well as creative exploration. Students practice and learn basic tumbling, strength and stretching, static and dynamic uses of basic shapes, adagio and circus specialty apparatus including spinning plates, hula hoops, juggling and more. Students get to enjoy jumping along our 12-meter fast track trampoline, perfecting basic and essential shapes for circus/acrobatics and tumbling as well as foundation drills in all areas to develop their skills for future Intermediate level progression.

Students in beginner classes get to have fun playing strength and skill building games, work and grow together, share and support each other.

All Beginner Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts in the end of year concert.


Ages range from 6-16 and entry into this class is based on skill level.

The wide age range creates a beautiful dynamic group that often allows for a wider range of skills to practice and perform.

This class runs for 2.5 hours with a short snack break. There is a strong focus on developing basic foundation skills to intermediate level skills, with a strong emphasis on technique, safety, and commitment.

Intermediate Circus/Acro classes develop students in movement, motor skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility. We encourage some independent creative exploration also. Students practice and learn intermediate level tumbling, strength and stretching, adagio and circus specialty apparatus including handstand canes, spinning plates, hula hoops, juggling and more. Students get to enjoy progressing their skills along with our 12-meter fast track trampoline, perfecting basic and intermediate tumbling and foundation skills. Building skills on towards future Advanced level progression.

All Intermediate Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts in the end of year concert.


These classes except students aged from 5-18yrs. The age range allows for students to enter the class based on skill level, talent, and experience. This creates a beautiful dynamic group that often allows for a wider range of skills to practice and perform. It also strengthens the class unity and family feeling having mixed ages in high-level training.

Advanced students are required to attend 2 x 2.5 hours Circus/Acro classes as well as a dance class each week. Advanced classes have a strong focus on developing from intermediate skill level to advanced level skills with a strong focus on technique, safety, commitment, and passion.

Advanced Circus/Acro classes develop students in creative movement, gymnastics-based technique tumbling, circus acrobatics, coordination, strength, flexibility as well as encouraging independent creative performance exploration. Students practice and learn advanced level tumbling, strength and stretching including contortion, adagio, circus specialty apparatus including handstand canes, spinning plates, hula hoops, staff, juggling and more….they get to enjoy progressing their skills along our 12metre fast track trampoline perfecting intermediate and advanced essential skills for circus/acrobatics and tumbling. Time is also spent in foundation drills in all areas to develop their skills on towards future Elite and or University level progression.

All Advanced Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts for circus/acrobatics and two acts for their chosen dance class at the end of year concert. Start of term 3 we will require a signed document stating the advanced student will make a firm commitment to the rest of the year and performing at the end of concert.


These classes are entered by invitation only and require our three top coaches to give approval. Student age is ranged from 5-18yrs.

The age range as in Advanced allows for students to enter the class based on skill level, talent, and experience.

This class is directed towards students that dream of a career one day in Circus and Performing arts. The passion and dedication of this group creates a beautiful dynamic team that can develop together to their best.

Elite students are required to attend 3x 3.5 hours Circus/Acro classes which includes 1 x hour of ballet as well as 1 x dance class each week. Elite classes combine quality development with FUN as well as with a strong focus on technique, safety, commitment, and passion.

Elite Circus/Acro classes develop students in creative movement, gymnastics-based technique tumbling, circus acrobatics, coordination, strength, flexibility as well as encouraging independent creative performance exploration. Students practice and learn advanced/Elite level tumbling, strength and stretching including contortion, adagio, circus specialty apparatus including handstand canes, spinning plates, hula hoops, staff, juggling and more….they get to enjoy progressing their skills along our 12metre fast track trampoline perfecting intermediate and advanced essential skills for circus/acrobatics and tumbling.

Time is also spent in foundation drills in all areas to develop their skills on towards future NICA and or Arts University level progression.

All Elite Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts for circus/acrobatics, two acts for Ballet and two acts for their chosen dance class at the end of year concert.

End of term 2 we will require a signed document stating the Elite student will make a firm commitment to the rest of the year and performing at the end of concert.


Suitable for ages 12 – 16yrs Teen circus/Acro is a mixed level class for teens who want to be with other teens at the beginner level and for teen Intermediate/Advanced students who may not be able to attend or commit to classes that are suited for their level.

This class has a focus on developing a student’s skill level from whichever level that is with a strong commitment to technique, safety, and passion.

Teen Circus/Acro classes develop students in creative movement, motor skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility as well as encouraging some independent creative exploration. Students practice and learn at their individual level of tumbling, strength and stretching, adagio and circus specialty apparatus including handstand canes, spinning plates, hula hoops, ribbon, juggling and more….they get to enjoy progressing their skills along our 12metre fast track trampoline perfecting basic and intermediate essential skills for circus/acrobatics and tumbling as well as working on foundation drills in all areas to develop their skills on towards future goals and progression.

All Teen Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected weekly and this class will perform two acts at the end of year concert.


For ages 16yrs and above this class is a mixed level class is a great cross-training and option for maintaining fitness.

This class has a focus on developing a student’s skill level from whichever level that is with a strong commitment to technique, safety, and fun.

Adult Circus/Acro classes develop students in creative movement, coordination, strength, and flexibility as well as encouraging some independent creative exploration. Students practice and learn at their individual level of tumbling, strength and stretching, adagio and circus specialty apparatus including handstand canes, spinning plates, hula hoops, ribbon, juggling and more….they get to enjoy progressing their skills along our 12metre fast-track trampoline perfecting basic and intermediate essential skills for circus/acrobatics and tumbling as well as working on foundation drills in all areas to develop their skills on towards future goals and progression.

All Adult Circus/Acro classes are enrolled classes.

ENROLLED: Attendance is expected regularly and this class will perform two acts at the end of year concert.

Beginner Extra Fast-track / Tumble

Recommended for ages 5-16yrs this class is casual and a great extra tumble/fast-track session for currently enrolled students who need a little extra help or just love tumbling. It is also great for students who may take dance, gymnastics, cheer, martial arts lessons else ware… it is fantastic
cross training and extra fitness.

This class includes floor basics and skill development as well as lots of fun working basics and furthering skill development on our 12metre fast-track. This allows students to build their confidence and aerial awareness before bringing new and challenging skills back to the floor.

Beginner Extra Fasttrack/Tumble classes are CASUAL pay as you go $12 and no bookings necessary.

Intermediate / Advanced Extra Fast-track / Tumble

This class is a MIXED age class and based on skill level. It is a casual class and a great extra tumble/fast-track session for currently enrolled students who need a little extra help or just love tumbling. It is also great for students who may take dance, gymnastics, cheer, martial arts lessons else ware… it is a fantastic cross-training for students who have a focus on many other sports and a great extra fitness session.

This class includes floor intermediate progressions and skill development as well as lots of fun working intermediate and advanced skills and furthering skill development on our 12metre fast-track. This allows students to build their confidence and aerial awareness before bringing new and challenging skills back to the floor.

Intermediate/Advanced Extra Fasttrack/Tumble classes are CASUAL pay as you go $12 and no bookings necessary.